Author Archives: larry

Italian Lesson 7 – The verbs avere and essere

The two most important verbs in the Italian language to memorize are the verbs: Avere = to have Essere = to be These verbs will form the building blocks of mastering all the tenses in the Italian language.  No need to worry about that for now, as that is a more advanced topic. In the […]

Italian Lesson 8 – Asking a Question in Italian

Inevitably you will need to ask questions when you are conversing with an Italian. So how do they do it? Italian Lesson on Asking Questions

Italian Lesson 9 – Numbers in Italian

There are two audio posts that pertain to this Italian lessons regarding the numbers in Italian. We will focus on both the cardinal numbers and the ordinal numbers. Italian Numbers Lesson 1 Italian Numbers Lesson 2

Italian Lesson 10 – Days of the Week in Italian

This lesson will teach you the days of the week in Italian. It’s important to note that the days of the week are not capitalized in Italian. Also notice that the accent on the last letter “i” for the days corresponding from Monday through Friday indicate a strong emphasis on that last syllable. lunedì / […]

Italian Lesson 11 – Months of the Year

Listed below are the months of the year in Italian.  You will probably notice just like the days of the week, the months of the year are not capitalized in Italian.  Unless of course, it is the first word of a sentence. gennaio / January febbraio / February marzo / March aprile / April maggio […]

Italian Lesson 12 – Seasons of the Year

Here is a post that will help you learn the seasons of the year in Italian. They are known as “i stagioni“. Seasons of the Year Italian Audio Post

Italian Lesson 13 – Asking Directions in Italy

Sure as the sun will come up tomorrow morning, you are bound to get lost if you travel to Italy on vacation or business. Knowing some basic phrases for the directions will come in handy during your trip. North = nord South = sud East = est West = ovest Listen to Italian Directions Podcast